Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Griswalds Go to Glacier

photos to follow.

My brother, sister-in-law, 2 nieces and I decided to visit Glacier National Park (before the glaciers disappear in 2020-- seriously).

Brother Scott generously planned the whole trip with 2 days in a lodge on the west side of the park and 2 days on the east side. We know the first day will be a long day in the car so I suggest an early start. Suggest being the operative word. I have learned that I have no power..... it was like herding cats to get everyone in the car Friday morning. And did I mention that my nieces have grown enough that 5 people in my car was similar to the Shriner's mini-car at the parade? Yep, flesh on flesh. "SHE IS TOUCHING ME!" no kidding... all 5 of us are touching each other. I ended up sitting on the hump in the backseat in the interest of world peace.... which was a good solution. The day dragged on. how muccccchhhh looooonnger? At last, we could count down the miles.... 30 more to go, chickadees! 20 more!!! darlings, hold your breath -- we are 4 precious miles away!!

So, we arrive at West Glacier.... ready to spill out of the car and stretch legs.

Scott returns to the car sheepishly..... he had reversed our plans in his mind and we were actually supposed to be on the EAST side of the park. I was ready to grab any hotel room, emergency shelter, anything but Scott said that we were a mere 2 hours away from the correct hotel!

I will admit, it was a beautiful drive over Logan Pass. that is all I will admit.

so, here we are at St. Mary's Lodge.... one big happy, extended family in one room. Actually, we are not all in one room.... I escaped to the coffee shop with my computer.

Yesterday was a magnificant 6 mile hike to Hidden Lake with snow pack, streams of run-off, mountain goats galore, big horn sheep, mule deer and marmots. It was simply glorious... we added a mile hike to a waterfall, a few scenic overlooks, an exhibit at the visitor center on the Indians that we displaced, "giving" them arid high plains land in exchange for the most beautiful park in North American. Ain't imperialism grand? for an extra little bit of drama..... my car key suddenly turned inoperative and we could not open the door locks. I was ready to just collapse in a heap but Scott kept jiggling the key and finally, the door lock responded. No more locking the car. Geez... the car only has 187,000 miles -- what is with this quality issue? Oh yeah, we got a bullet hole type crack in windshield from a rock and have entertained ourselves watching a large crack traverse the windshield.... it has advanced about 10 inches so far.

I almost fell asleep in my dinner plate.

today is Many Glacier and surrounds

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