Monday, August 16, 2010

CSI: Nye

It appears that 2 boys found "human remains" at the nearby Woodbine campground. Upon further examination by law enforcement personnel, it was determined that bone fragments and "dental work" were most likely cremains. Unlike Waffle House that specializes in scattered, smothered AND covered, it appears that the bereaved only scattered. Not cool. and not a crime scene.

So, my children, LISTEN:

You know that I want my ashes (sounds nicer than bone fragments) in the Stillwater River. Do NOT dump them at the campground. I want you to hike up to where the river flattens out and there is that rock island. (see attached photograph) Then WADE into the water and gently let half of me go. If you want, you can fish afterwards but please cast away from my ashes. Then, hike back to Carter's and buy everyone there a round of drinks. Make sure Pappy has an open tab and a ride home.

The other half I want under the trees by the deck, scattered, smothered and covered with the wonderful trophy pudding stone (see attached photograph) that I found today halfway to Sioux Charley and hauled all the way back. Can I tell you how heavy it is??? My arms have turned to rubber and I look like Gumby.
so, here is the picture of the river and the pudding stone. and, just for the heck of it, some beautiful Indian Paintbrush that was growing along the river.

love, Mom

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