Dear readers,
In Atlanta, the poop is neatly scooped up in the New York Times plastic bag and placed, typically, in a non-dog owning neighbor's trash can. And if you want to see a Montanan spray beer through his nose, inform him that you always pick up your dog's turds at home. He will simply not believe you.
But, it is a whole wide world of poop out here! the top picture is bear.... black bear... and there is lots of bear poop to be found this time of year. And below the bear, you find mountain lion. At least that what I think it is. Followed by fresh elk. Spring elk poop. It becomes more pellet like as the summer progresses. How did I learn all of this? Well, I have a handly little book "Scat and Tracks of the Rocky Mountains." I am sure you can all download this on your Kindle. No home should be without it. I did not include the more pedestrian deer poop and mule deer poop but if inquiring readers want to know........
Too funny, we just get bird poop on Wind Spirit :-)