Pappy's wife, Suzi, died last month. They had been married over 35 years. Note: when he married her, she had SIX children. That, my friends, is true love. Anyway, Pappy is so sad that I decided to join the casserole brigade. I called the shop to let him know I would bring dinner. Phone out of order. I call his house and "Becky" answers (a daughter, I think). She told me to leave a message with his son who works at Carter's (the local and only saloon). Following me so far? I call Randy and tell him that I am bringing dinner. When shall I deliver it?
"Sweetheart, the house is open. Just stick it in the fridge. Thanks."
I make a chicken pot pie and head down the hill. Can't remember which is Pappy's house so I enter the Nye Mall with chicken potpie in hand. Judy points out Pappy's house and I head down the side street (one block long). Bill Myers drives by. "You like asparagas?" Sure! He reaches in the back seat of his pickup and gives me a handful of wild asparagas that he had "harvested."
Later today, I get a phone call from the UPS guy who can't find my house (street signs would be helpful but there is some disagreement as to the correct name of my street). He is leaving my package at the Nye Mall and asks that I draw a map for him so he can find me next time.
and that is the best part of life in a small town.
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