The quilts are "done" or at least as done as they will be this summer. Why did I think I could do this? I didn't even know that there was such a thing as "fabric scissors." I am done, done, done with projects. So, guess what? There will be NO "Free Range Quilting: The Sequel."
The bunkroom is done... pretty much. Have to repaint the stairs but that can wait. My brother's family arrives tomorrow so this is done in the nick o' time!
Now, we segue into the friendship discussion.
A friend is someone who nods with a smile when you announce that you are going to piece together quilts from old jeans despite the fact you do not know how to even thread a sewing machine (borrowed from Kaite Howes -- thank you!). "Oh, that's nice."
A friend is someone who knows that you are going to be in way over your head and she is going to have to bail out your sorry ass and still lets you go ahead with this project.
And then you call with a whimper and she gives up two whole days of her life sewing, patching, adjusting, moving 20 lbs of denim everytime we do a seam.
without glaring at you,
or whining.
Debbie Griffin, I owe you!